Community and Economic Development

Economic Development Department
EODD’s Economic Development Department provides regional planning and development assistance for economic expansion in the seven county district.
The Economic Development Department works with local governments, businesses, industries, chambers of commerce and other agencies to expand present industry and create new business.
Communities are further assisted in developing “package” financing/funding sources for economic development. EODD will help communities and businesses complete grant and loan applications, or those who are required to prepare a continuing economic development program. Studies of resources, labor forces, and other activities can be provided.
Community Development Department
EODD’s Community Development Department offers support to municipalities, boards of county commissioners, and other groups in determining their communities’ needs.
The Community Development Department provides various services to local units of governments in the seven county area, including:
Information regarding census data and demographics
CDBG grant applications and administration
Assist Communities with Capitol Improvement Planning
Mapping Services
Assistance to communities participating in the Main Street and Century Communities Programs
REAP grant application and administration.
In addition to these services, the Community Development Department also holds workshops for elected officials concerning topics of importance to communities and their leaders and other services to local governments and civic groups on a limited basis.

CDBG: Community Development Block Grants
Community Development Block Grants are HUD monies distributed by the Oklahoma Department of Commerce. Eligible entities are cities, towns, and county governments. Grant categories include water/wastewater, community revitalization, economic development, regional water/wastewater consolidation, and industrial park loans. Primary focus of grants is infrastructure development.
REAP: The Rural Economic Action Plan
The Rural Economic Action Plan of 1996 appropriates money to each of the 11 Sub State Planning Districts of COGS for rural development projects. Grants are available for cities and towns under 7,000 population and unincorporated areas if application is made by a county government. Uses include but are not limited to water, sewer, transportation, community facility, police/fire, or economic development projects.