Area Agency on Aging
The Area Agency on Aging is the agency through which federal, state and local funds are processed to provide resources or referrals for older persons age 60 and older in the designated planning and service area of Adair, Cherokee, McIntosh, Muskogee, Okmulgee, Sequoyah, and Wagoner counties. Funds are distributed under the Older Americans Act of 1965.
The EODD Area Agency on Aging contracts through yearly grants with providers of the following services: National Family Caregiver Assistance, Legal Aid Services of Oklahoma (LASO), Outreach Services, Senior Nutrition Services, Transportation Services, and Health Promotion.
The increase of Baby Boomers turning 60 and becoming eligible for services through the Older Americans Act puts a strain on available funding. In order to continue to provide services to all eligible participants, the need for volunteers and donations to all programs are vital and encouraged. Please contact Stacy Metz, AAA Director at (918) 682-7891 or by email at stacymetz@eoddok.org for more information.
Information & Assistance
Information & Assistance provides referrals to numerous services using all resources available including the local directory of resources published by the AAA and made available at no cost to seniors. Linkage and referrals with the assistance of the Outreach Services staff help in providing for individual seniors’ needs, and help them get connected to services provided under the Older Americans Act. Contact Janet Bowen at (918) 682-7891 or by email, info@eoddok.org
ADvantage Case Management
ADvantage case management services are provided by trained healthcare professionals contracted with EODD Case Management and funded by the Medicaid Services Unit of OKDHS. Services might include assistance with medication management, nursing services, and/or obtaining personal care, transportation, nutrition, and homemaker/chore services if Medicaid eligible. These services are provided to help a senior adult remain in their home and live as independently as possible. Contact Amber Jennings, Case Manager Supervisor, at (918) 207-7464 or by email at ajennings@eoddok.org for more information.
Caregiver Program
Caregivers are identified as person(s) taking care of someone who is 60 years and older who needs assistance because of a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s or Dementia or needs assistance with at least (2) Activities of Daily Living such as bathing, dressing, eating, walking, toileting, and transferring. Often times, this is a spouse, adult child, grandchild, neighbor, or others that do not identify themselves as a Caregiver.
The Outreach program is designed to connect seniors 60+ within EODD’s seven county jurisdiction with services to meet their in-home needs. Through personal assessment, Outreach provides referrals to senior services including Title III services such as Nutrition, Homemaker, Caregiver, Transportation, Legal Aid, Health Education, Ombudsman. With the assistance of the Information & Assistance staff, Outreach helps seniors with finding services available to meet seniors’ needs in their local communities. To find out more, please contact EODD Outreach at (918) 682-7891.
Long Term Care Ombudsman
The Long-Term Care Ombudsman program enables Ombudsman Supervisors to monitor and advocate for quality of care and quality of life for seniors living in long-term care nursing homes, residential care, and assisted living facilities. Ombudsman Supervisors and Ombudsman Volunteers attempt to resolve complaints from residents, family and friends by exploring problems and recommending corrective action. The goal is to empower the resident to stand up for their rights and their dignity.
Nutrition and Supportive Services
Nutritious meals are prepared daily and served Monday through Friday (excluding Federal holidays) at 21 Title III Senior Nutrition Centers. The meals provide 1/3 of the Recommended Daily Intake of nutrients for older persons and are served at the congregate centers or may be Home Delivered to eligible homebound individuals. Activities and health screenings are available at each center.
The Older Americans Act Supportive Services funds many services including transportation assistance for seniors age 60 and older. Transportation services include trips to the nutrition centers, doctor's appointments, grocery shopping, social and recreational events which enable seniors to remain in their homes for as long as possible, and be as independent as possible. To learn more about this program, please call EODD Outreach at (918) 682-7891 or the Caring Assistance Line.
Other Services

Health Promotion
Health Promotion is education and training to the senior population in healthy living and health prevention. Training is evidence-based courses in “Eat Better, Move More,” “Arthritis Foundation Tai Chi Program”, “Chronic Disease Self-Management”, and “Resource for Enhancing Alzheimer’s Caregiver Health II (REACH II) to name a few are available in Adair, Cherokee, McIntosh, Muskogee, Okmulgee, Sequoyah, and Wagoner counties for community senior to participate. For more information or to set up training, please contact OHAI (918) 779-7367.​
Community Expansion of Nutritional Assistance (CENA) is a program funded through the Department of Commerce (ODOC) for D-EODD and the Area Agency on Aging to provide funding for the general improvement of nutritional conditions at eligible independent senior centers that will assist with increasing meals served and expanding other needed services for senior residents of the state. Applications may be requested after July 1, from EODD AAA (918) 682-7891.